Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Avengers Vs. X-Men: War of the Phoenix

Greeting again, faithful readers! Apologies for the later than usual post (Finals Week Fever, you know), but I intend to make up for this dereliction of duty by sharing with you all the savory details concerning the recently announced first major Marvel Event of 2012; The Avengers Vs. The X-Men.

That's right. The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes Vs. The X-Men, the mutant's powerhouse team.

While the majority of the specifics concerning this ground breaking and status quo shattering event are being kept firmly under wraps, Marvel has released a few plot points to set the stage for this war of the super teams. Make no mistake my friends, with Marvel enlisting the likes of Jason Aaron, Ed Brubaker, Brian Michael Bendis, Johnathan Hickman, and Matt Fraction to pen this universe wide event, this war will no doubt be something truly special.

According the the event's writers the impetus for this clash of titans is the deadly cosmic being known only as The Phoenix Force, and it's imminent return to Earth. For those unfamiliar with the Phoenix Force, it is a cosmic being of nigh unlimited power in the Marvel Universe that resided for a time in the psyche of the now deceased X-Man (and former wife of Cyclops) Jean Grey. This creature has been off planet for a number of years in the Marvel U, after being defeated by the X-Men when they made the heart wrenching decision to sacrifice Jean Grey in order to "slay" the Phoenix Force while it was in control of Jean  and going by the moniker of "The Dark Phoenix". Now it appears this god-like mass of power is coming home, and is looking for a new host to inhabit as it once had with Jean. It is this decision of who should be made the host of the phoenix that divides the Avengers and the X-Men, though why and in what way remains unclear.  

It has also been announced that Hope, the first mutant born since the events of the mutant decimation (for more on M-Day, click here) is to be a central player in this conflict. With her background including her adopted father Cable being the son of Cyclops and Jean Grey, her penchant for wearing a strikingly similar outfit to Jean's when she was the Phoenix, her habit of occasionally being surrounded by a VERY phoenix shaped fire, as well as her familiar red hair and striking green eyes (not unlike a certain former X-Man), Hope has been keeping fans guessing as to her ties to Jean and the Phoenix Force since her birth. It appears these questions will be answered in Avengers Vs. X-Men, as well as the reason behind the recent resurrection of the Avenger and M-Day instigator The Scarlet Witch. 

Marvel is also revealing that this event is most definitely nothing short of an all out war, with Cyclops of the X-Men and Captain America of the Avengers taking on the roles of Generals for their respective forces. The events writers held a Live Announcement via the website Livestream to talk about the general idea behind this story as well as answer a few fan questions about the war to come. Fortunately the folks at Marvel were kind enough to post the entire airing after they were done the stream for anyone not able to catch it the first time around, which you can view here: Marvel Press Conference: Avengers Vs X-Men Event.

It all kicks off in April with the release of Avengers Vs. X-Men Issue 0 which will show how the Scarlet Witch and Hope got to where they currently are, and what roles they are to play in the conflict to come.  I don't know about all of you, but just the premise of this event is enough to keep me on the edge of my seat until April, let alone the superb team of writers and artists Marvel has assembled to make this super team death match a reality. 

If you really want to get a head start on the action, i would seriously suggest getting a hold of The Avengers: X Sanction event coming up this month concerning the mysterious reappearance of the long thought dead Cable, and his shadowy mission to exterminate the Avengers within a 24 hour timeframe. Apparently this story is a direct set up for 2012's Avengers Vs. X-Men, with Cable seemingly trying to prevent the conflict itself from occurring by eliminating The Avengers from the picture entirely. What this plan means to prevent remains a mystery, and what could be so severe as to justify such actions from long time hero Cable should leave many readers scratching their heads.

Well that's all for now, ladies and gentlemen! Like I said before, if you want to get in on the action from the start, keep an eye out for the X Sanction limited series this month and Avengers Vs. X-Men Issue 0 this April. Until next time, keep on reading!

Libellus Pagina Amitorious,

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